Blue and white square shaped Analytics icon with rounded corners


Restaurant data analytics tool

Understand your restaurant’s performance, from back to front-of-house and beyond. Spot inefficiencies, boost potential profits and grow in ways you didn’t know were possible.

Find new ways to increase profits

Focus on serving great food while Otter analyses information from your entire restaurant, letting you know where and how to improve.
Abstract illustration of a blue eye and purple dollar signs

See everything in one place

Integrate your POS, delivery apps, and more to view all of your data at once. Save time from looking at dozens of different reports while still being able to zoom in or out per store.
Purple, white, and blue illustration of an abstract graph

Pinpoint what’s working and what’s not

Easily identify opportunities to improve each area of your business from operations to marketing and more.
An illustration of purple, blue, and black squares with a white star

Push promos to their peaks

Measure the impact of your delivery app promotions to understand their effects on sales. Refine your strategy to take your marketing investment even further.

Analytics on the Apple App Store

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Integrate everywhere

Otter integrates with nearly every third-party restaurant service so you can do more in less time. Manage menus, track deliveries, run promotions, analyse performance—you name it—with one dedicated platform.

Visualise success

Analytics helps you cut through dense data, unearthing insights and actionable steps to maximise your potential profits and growth.

Consolidated reports

Combine all the information from different delivery partners, stores, brands and even POS systems in one single view so you don’t have to sift through various apps.

Digestible charts

Some services throw numbers on a chart. Otter consolidates info into actionable, easily-understood bites that read just as well on a printout as on-screen. You’ll always still have the option of digging deeper into the raw data with the tables in each report. 

Highlights and lowlights

Each key metric is compared to the last 7 days, or any time period you select. That way, you’ll know if you’re actually improving or need to tweak your approach.

Sliced and diced data

Analytics shows you the most helpful ways the raw data just lying in your different tools can be made use of. Use powerful filters to see patterns in your performance.

Downloadable formats

Easily export your reports as .CSV or .XLSX files for deeper analysis or sharing with others.

Our customers

I love the dashboard feature for analytics. Because we're always looking to see where we can do better in terms of orders. Having all the data analytics in one area, with one login, made my life so much easier.

Abby T.

Owner, Playa Bowls

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