Revenue Recapture
Recover revenue with automated disputes
Unchecked refunds on delivery platforms can hit your margins hard. Our automated solution tells you exactly how much money you are owed and handles disputes for you.

Easier operators with refund data

No upfront fee’s

Weekly refund reports

Results within 30 days
Otter covers the largest scope for our customers in the restaurant industry
Take control of unchecked order refunds
Noticing the information gap at the store level, our reports deliver weekly updates to help you cut down on unnecessary refunds.

Instant updates when you get your money back
Streamline disputes with Revenue Recapture. Minimize human error, save time, and receive instant notifications when your refunds process. Efficiently handle disputes and stay updated effortlessly.

Address your refunds quickly
We aim to recover 75% of refunds in 30 days, significantly reduce overall refunds by 50% within a year, and streamline in-store processes so that disputes become a thing of the past.